Seeker fans propose Mother Confessor Day for ABC Studios

In the United States and Canada we’ll be celebrating Mother’s Day next Sunday, May 9 (the second Sunday in May). Sister Ginevra suggested we make that Mother Confessor Day. Of course, international fans quickly pointed out that other countries celebrate Mother’s Day on different dates (some nations have already observed their 2010 Mother’s Days).

Nonetheless, Disney and ABC Television are based here in the United States so this seems like a very nice idea. People are suggesting we send postcards and greeting cards to ABC Studios as part of the Save The Seeker campaign.

Here is an example of a postcard (front and back) that you could print out to mail. I used a 5-inch by 7-inch format but you could probably resize these images (or find your own). I’m including a blank image in case you don’t like the message I used on my example (in fact, customizing your card would probably be a great idea).

Image 1: Blank format for the front

This image is an example of how you can create a Mother Confessor Day postcard.
This image is a good example of a picture you may use to create a Mother Confessor Day postcard.

Image 2: Example format for the front with embedded message:

This example embeds a message for ABC Studios on the front of the card.
Example Mother Confessor Day card with embedded message

Image 3: A standard postcard address template

Pre-addressed label side for a Mother Confessor Day postcard
Pre-addressed label side for a Mother Confessor Day postcard

I cannot assert any copyrights over the image so feel free to modify it as you wish or just create your own. You’ll need to print out and mail your postcard quickly.

I don’t have time to work up an example of a greeting card but if someone else can do that I’ll be glad to link to it.

There was also some talk about trying to take over Twitter on Sunday with #motherconfessorday. I think the idea was informally voted down. You know, you don’t have to pound away at the keyboard — it would still be a good idea, I think, to remind people of our campaign on Sunday by sending #motherconfessorday Tweets regardless of whether they trend.

ABC Studios and Disney, are you listening?

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